the problem
Online child sex abuse is becoming increasingly common. As technology grows, so does the access online perpetrators have to kids and teens.
ACMs (adults contacting minors) can abuse kids and teens at any time of day, from anywhere in the world. Without ever laying a hand on them.
arrest spotlight
This perpetrator was one of the worst our team has encountered. He traveled across state lines to meet our decoy — who he believed to be a prepubescent child — for sex. He also shared explicit fantasies involving children under 5 years old.
Thanks to the support of our donors, the SOSA team had the resources to identify him and collaborate with law enforcement to have him arrested so he could no longer harm kids.
grooming red flags
Through a process called grooming, ACMs build a child’s trust and manipulate them into not believing they can safely escape the situation. Here are just a few common tactics perpetrators use.
How you can help
The problem of online sex abuse is enormous, but it is certainly not without hope. Through the generosity of our supporters, SOSA has been able to stop real perpetrators and help real survivors. We’d love to partner with you in this mission.